Saturday, September 10, 2011

Filipino Dish: Sinigang Sa Bayabas

Hi again,

I was craving for some Filipino food and decided to make sinigang for lunch. It's a guava soup with fish (I used salmon) and vegetables (bok choy, green beans, onions, tomatoes, etc.), which is one of the main dishes in the Philippines, if I'm not mistaken. It's one of my favorite Filipino dishes topped off with steam rice, yum-o! Hubby and I devoured it for lunch yesterday, because it was so delicious and somewhat light to eat, besides the steam rice added. However,  I used a Mama Sita Sinigang Sa Bayabas mix to help me out a little bit with the taste, but the rest I make it how I like it. This is the only Filipino dish I use a mix for compared to all the other dishes I make from scratch. I applaud you if you can make this from scratch :o)

If you're thinking of what to make for lunch or dinner, try cooking some sinigang...a taste from the Philippines. It's so easy to make and very delicious! Happy eating!


* Cook for 30 minutes at medium heat.

1) Fill large pot with water halfway and add the Mama Sita Sinigang Sa Bayabas mix.

2) Add the fish (salmon...chunks).

3) After 15 minutes, add the vegetables.

4) Stir occasionally.

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